mercredi 17 octobre 2012

4 days in Prague

My journey started with a long medidative bus trip in a company of beautiful views and "silly" movies :)

First impressions about Prague - a normal city with lots of quiet streets and interesting little monuments.

Further on - animated embankment and first touristic sites...

On the way home - lots of big lights ! Aliens ? No, just the process of filming.

The next morning starts with the observing of the nearby roofs...
...and expands to the exploration of the district where I had chance to have been living :)

The road goes on in the unknown direction..

and leads to an unexpectadly remote area - Prague 10
My next destination - Vyshegrad with its beautiful cemetery and pleasant meetings (not in a cemetery, but with another tourist from the faraway TransBaikalia)

What could that mean? :

A bit of add :)

The day # 3 starts with a promenade in a park with a very special atmosphere

An usual house with unusual forms

Don't know why those bumps are there but they are very good to stumble over )

Just very nice!


Prazhsky Grad - view from Zeleni Prikop

Secret paths

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